
31. Nearly 43 million people in the United States today are disabled.

31. Nearly 43 million people in the United States today are disabled. Of that number, about
_____ are actively employed.
a) 6 million
b) 12 million
c) 14 million
d) 15 million
e) 18 million
32. Shakil is a computer programmer confined to a wheelchair due to a spinal injury. He’s
been on the job for about six weeks. None of his co-workers have invited him to lunch, offered to car
pool, or stopped by to visit. Shakil is facing a problem common among the disabled, which is:
a) being seen as less capable as someone not in a wheelchair.
b) being educationally and economically advantaged.
c) a lack of social acceptance of disabilities.
d) competition for opportunities among minorities.
e) the misestimation of the costs of accommodation by managers.
33. Some employers’ experience with the disabled is similar to Pizza Hut’s, which found the
turnover rate of the disabled:
a) significantly higher than with non-disabled employees.
b) about 10 times less than turnover with non-disabled employees.
c) the same as with non-disabled employees.
d) 10 times higher than the turnover of non-disabled employees.
e) 20 times less than with non-disabled employees.
34. According to the ADA, estimated costs of accommodating disabled employees:
a) are between $200 and $500.
b) costs about $10,000 about 31% of the time.
c) have reduced the cost of doing business because of the lower turnover and higher
motivation of disabled workers.
d) have been grossly underestimated.
e) have added about 15% to the cost of doing business.
35. Disabled employees tend to face several prejudices at work, such as the belief that:
a) they are viewed as devious and not trustworthy.
b) they work best alone at technical jobs and therefore are virtually ignored at work by co-workers.
c) they are aloof or sensitive about their handicap and don’t want to interact with
“normal” people.
d) they can’t handle the pressure of responsible positions and will quit when work
pressures mount.
e) they don’t deserve special consideration because they haven’t been discriminated against as
much as minority, non-disabled workers.
36. Foreign-born individuals make up _____ of the U.S. population.
a) 5%
b) 11%
c) 12%
d) 15%
e) 17%
37. The number of deportations has increased by _____ % from 2001 to 2005.
38. Due to _____ public policy has tightened immigration laws.
a) discrimination
b) international competition
c) 9/11
d) “borders out of control”
e) c and d
39. Currently, the legal employment status of homosexuals can be described as:
a) one in which they have no legal protection.
b) rapidly changing through the extension of legal protection in many states.
c) mixed, with little legal protection, some overt hostility, and some companies creating
gay-friendly environments.
d) in decline as more states enact laws prohibiting legal protection for gays in the workplace.
e) comparable to other diverse groups, with legal protection but mixed compliance.
40. The percentage of homosexuals in the U.S. population is:
a) a subject of some debate.
b) 10%.
c) anywhere from 1-2%.
d) rising each year.
e) declining slowly from decade to decade.
41. Harold, a homosexual man, believes that he has been rejected for a top-level management
job at an accounting firm based solely on his sexual preference. What is Harold’s best legal recourse?
a) Harold should file a complaint with the EEOC.
b) Harold should file a complaint with the OFCCP.
c) Harold has little or no recourse. In many states, including the one in which he lives, no
legislation protects homosexuals from employment discrimination on the basis of sexual preference.
d) Harold should never tell his sexual preference to a potential employer.
e) Either a or b
42. The term “Hispanic”:
a) refers to a specific racial grouping of peoples.
b) is an HRM term for people who have a Spanish-speaking heritage.
c) is a label used in affirmative action plans for the cultural subgrouping of people from
Latin America and Southern Europe.
d) is a recent administratively convenient term created by agencies and researchers.
e) means the same thing as Latino.
43. Generally, Hispanics:
a) are relatively easily identified by racial criteria.
b) come from a variety of different racial heritages.
c) share a common cultural heritage.
d) are almost entirely from Latin America.
e) speak Spanish as their first language.
44. There are at least ____ Latinos in the United States.
a) 35 million
b) 30 million
c) 32 million
d) 34 million
e) 50 million
45. Latinos are expected to account for _____ % growth of the U.S. labor force.
a) 50
b) 40
c) 30
d) 20
46. Latinos in the U.S. workplace:
a) face more racial discrimination than African-Americans.
b) are the slowest growing minority.
c) have made the least progress of any other minority group in breaking into management.
d) face less discrimination than any other working minority.
e) retain their first language as their primary language at home more than any other group.
47. The average age of American workers is:
a) 26.
b) 30.
c) 38.
d) 42.
e) 43.
48. Research on older workers shows that they:
a) tend to be less motivated than younger workers.
b) helped the turnaround of manufacturing productivity and growth.
c) resist change more than younger workers.
d) tend to plateau in productivity at 40.
e) become impossible to fire due to EEO age discrimination laws.
49. Thelma is an older worker who has been employed at Hair Stylist, Inc. for over 25 years.
Recently, Tracy, a 23-year old college graduate, has been hired as her assistant. Thelma feels slightly
threatened by Tracy, who seems to be their immediate supervisor’s favorite. Thelma believes that her
job may be in danger despite her excellent job performance appraisals. Tracy likes Thelma but believes
that her work methods need to change to keep up with the times. This situation is an example of:
a) stereotyping.
b) discrimination.
c) generational conflict.
d) a segmented communication network.
e) hegemony.
50. the projected participation rate for women in the workforce is expected to reach _____ % by
a) 10
b) 16
c) 32
d) 48
e) 55
51. Women face a number of barriers to their professional advancement, including:
a) organizations fail to be flexible enough to meet working women’s needs.
b) resentment from other protected classes due to their preferential treatment under EEO
c) being perceived as less motivated than their male peers.
d) resisting change.
e) rarely being fired, regardless of how incompetent they might be.
52. Which of the following may be a reason that accounts for the earnings differential between
women and men and women’s lack of upward mobility?
a) Sexual harassment
b) A male-dominated corporate culture
c) Women’s social roles
d) Exclusionary networks
e) All of the above
53. After work on Fridays, the male middle managers at Health Equipment, Inc. go to the golf course
to play a quick nine holes, and to talk over business for the upcoming week. Sharon, who is an excellent
woman golfer, has tried to join them for several weeks but is always put off. Her boss says, “We have
our foursome.” Sharon is experiencing:
a) a male-dominated corporate culture.
b) sexual harassment.
c) biological constraints.
d) exclusionary networks.
e) social roles.
54. Acts that constitute sexual harassment:
a) do not include sexual remarks, according to men.
b) are more likely to be viewed as sexual harassment when perpetrated by a supervisor than by a
c) are more likely to be viewed as sexual harassment when perpetrated by a co-worker than by a
d) do not include suggestive looks, according to women.
e) are seen the same way by men and women.
55. When defining sexual harassment, a man:
a) tends to see sexual remarks as sexual harassment more often than a woman.
b) is just as likely to perceive an act as sexual harassment as a woman would.
c) tends to take behavior by coworkers more seriously than that by a supervisor.
d) is less likely to perceive others’ actions as sexual harassment as a woman would.
e) is more likely to see pressure for dates as sexual harassment than deliberate touching.
56. Business often try to control sexual harassment by using __________.
a) training
b) policies
c) job descriptions
d) evaluations
e) both a and b
57. Improving diversity management must begin with:
a) top management’s commitment to valuing diversity.
b) diversity training.
c) accommodating family needs.
d) developing support groups for minorities.
e) senior mentoring.

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58. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an organization that would show the
business’ success in managing diversity?
a) The existence of corporate diversity training programs
b) Segmented networking systems
c) Top management’s support of and commitment to diversity
d) Accommodation of family needs
e) Mentoring programs
59. Diversity training can be undermined by which of the following?
a) Other priorities
b) Bad instruction
c) Unclear objectives
d) Lack of motivation
e) Sense of entitlement
60. Yan is the only Japanese employee at All American, Inc. (AAI), which has a small minority of Asian
employees. She wants to start a small weekly meeting for the Asian employees of AAI in order to
encourage a nurturing climate for others who may feel alienated from the rest of the employees. In HR
terms, Yan is hoping to organize a(n):
a) segmented communication network.
b) old boys’ network.
c) support group.
d) diversity audit.
e) retention program.


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